2011-04-15 18:28:02 UTC
Here's whats odd. I noticed this 3 days ago, it said 100 episodes but season 5 and 6 only had 2 shown for each... NOW it only shows season 1 having eight episodes, season 2 with two episodes, and season 3 is missing the first three episodes. I checked my dad's netflix and it says he watched them, but its so odd. I'm assuming it just waits until he passes the first bunchof episodes then makes them disappear in favor of showing ones he's on now. On my PS3, however, it shows all 139 in a list, none missing, but ANY show on his that has more than 100, only shows no more than 100 as being available. Is that just something crappy that happens? what if he wanted to watch episode 1 of season 3 again for some reason? He can't because its not there.
Anyone else have this problem on a system that's NOT a PS3/Xbox 360? because its fine on them and shows every episode there is. He also has X-files added and it says 100 episodes, but X-files had over 200 episodes, so seasons 6-9 all only show 2 episodes a piece. Is there a way to correct this or is this just how the software works on blu-ray players? My dad isnt very computer/technologically savvy so he wouldnt even notice if some episodes were missed cuz he'd just click the next one and hit play, and i dont want him missing episodes. Any help would be great. I assume its just how the players work for netflix but I just want to make sure.