why is it that i havent seen it on tv since sunday when they had the season finale? i thot theyd start over again monday like they usually do, but 'all in the family' is now in its place. did they change its channel/timing again? the last time i had this prob., the show was still on tvtropolis(b4 they sent it 2 dejaview), ellen took its place that time & i thot they took it off air-which made me lose interest in tv all 2gether.(yes there r other good shows but m*a*s*h makes me more interested.tv's just not that great w/out the best show on earth on tv, lol.)so has it happened again, & they changed the channel or timing? if so, plz tell me where the heck it went cuz i dont wanna miss 2 much of the beginning of the series.
i dont know if it really matters but if it helps any, then we have the starchoice satelite service.(just thot itd make it easier 4 me 2 find if i knew where 2 find the channel youre talkin about.)