2007-05-09 18:12:26 UTC
One of my favorite sketches was when Dom was posing as a construction worker at a construction scene, holding up one of those large signs that usually says "Stop" on one side and "Slow" or "Go" on the other. Anyway, he's standing there like normal with the "Stop" side facing the cars, and they're all waiting there not knowing it's a comedy sketch. After a few seconds he flips the sign around, and it says "Stop" on the other side too! He just stands there acting as he hasn't realized it, and some of the cars start honking (a funny part was that one of the cars starting going while he was flipping the sign but slammed on its brakes as soon as it said stop again). Dom then looks at the sign and acts surprised, flips it a few times, stands there for a minute and then drops the sign and runs away like he was panicking! It's hilarious.