They're so insecure that they have to be so biased, its pathetic. My family is republican but we are slowly turning democrat based on corruption and dishonor in the republican party.
Twenty answers:
2007-05-04 00:41:28 UTC
Fox news is pathetic because it does not speak for the conservatives but for the White House. It disguises itself to represent the Republican party or the conservatives and routinly bashes the liberals and the democrates.
Proof why Fox is not conservative not one Fox commentrator has credibably critisized the Bush Adminsitration for the US border, the budget, the spending, the non use of the veto power and corruption. Instead they have been promoting all this by arguing for them.
Fox in the long run does much more harm to the conservatives and republicans then good. Only 15%-25% of the population identify themselves with far left or far right values the rest as in the middle.
connie s
2007-05-04 00:43:29 UTC
Every time I see a "question" criticising Fox news, I wonder if the person asking the question has actually watched Fox. I am not talking about the opinion shows, like O'rielly, but the actual news. Anyone who really watches the news KNOWS that they always have republican and democrat strategists arguing their points and presenting both sides. I don't see this happening anywhere else. It would be nice if people actually watched Fox instead of just repeating what they think they are supposed to say.
It's a free country, you want to 'turn' democrat, go ahead. You really think there is no corruption or dishonor there?
Exactlly what lies are you talking about, and can you give an example of how they report the news in a dishonorable way?
2016-05-20 05:58:42 UTC
You must watch a lot of Fox News because I have not heard Soros name mentioned since Beck left. And Soros is behind the Wall Street protests. Since he made his billions on Wall Street investments, I find that quite amusing.
2007-05-04 00:48:39 UTC
Sean Hannity and Ollie North are good ones to listen to. They can always back up what they are saying with facts, whether we LIKE the facts or not. I watch Hannity and Colmes and get really tickled when Sean is trying to get a straight answer out of a Lib. Also Ollie North's War Stories and Hannity's America are good.
Question? Where is the honesty and honor in the Democrat party or the liberal media?
2007-05-04 00:19:46 UTC
Turning Democrat due to corruption in the Republican Party? That's so off that it's almost a riot.
And you think Fox is the "insecure", "biased" and "pathetic" one? Maybe you should take a look at your other options for news. Tell me if they're more unbiased than Fox.
2007-05-04 00:58:14 UTC
why r u obsessed with criticizing a news channel?
Every moron knows that all politicians use the media and press to whine or slam their opponents.
What you should be yelping about is the dysfunctional Congress that produces nothing except demands for air time to whine,demand, demean other politicians that wont agree with their views,...
Congress is paid to work not farm out their work by creating investigative panels, funding research/reports that produce "data" proving XX,
Fox news is not ruining the country and your whines are pathetic as you can watch whatever news /propaganda channel you want...
2007-05-04 00:44:00 UTC
Fox is the only voice of conservatism in an otherwise liberally run and biased media! Liberals hate it because they can't handle opposing arguments and it is the voice of logic for people who make decisions with logic not emotion.
2007-05-04 00:22:49 UTC
I watch The News Hour with Jim Lehrer and Anderson Copper 360 once in a while.
2007-05-04 00:24:57 UTC
I read the paper.
All tv news is biased and hyped, even my local news seems to have some agenda.
2007-05-04 00:52:16 UTC
pathetic is badmouthing a TV program VERY Pathetic
well your opinion is in the minority as it is the most watched news broadcast on cable
So majority rules and you loose and your question is just a Pathetic looser crybaby crying over having the loosing and wrong point of view about everything
2007-05-04 00:27:33 UTC
Have you watched CBS, ABC or NBC lately?
Or don't you remember that CNN was so biased that it was commonly called the "Clinton News Network?" There are two sides of every story. It's YOUR responsibility to listen to them both and come to your own conclusions.
2007-05-04 03:05:56 UTC
Because their audience is so pathetic. They have simply found that there is alot of money to be made pandering to the lowest common denominator and they're willing to trade their credibility for cash. Business is business.
2007-05-04 00:51:13 UTC
Fox News? I've caught them in so many lies that I consider it to be the best comedy show going.
2007-05-04 00:23:17 UTC
Every single rank-in-file member in the White House is indicted or under suspicion, makes good comedy for political comedians. lol. But not for Fox.
2007-05-04 00:19:43 UTC
I feel the same way you do and I'm republican.
I did vote straight Dem in the last election.
Don't you feel like the republican party has been hijacked? Nothing this administration stands for resembles what the republican platform is.
2007-05-04 00:18:17 UTC
I am sure some crazy nut job neo con will jump on this and say that Fox News is "fair and balanced."
Or say that CNN means Communist News Network.
The folks at Fox genuinely make me sick.
2007-05-04 00:21:01 UTC
I know, I know, lol. My fiancee, and my mother have jumped parties even though my mom is very pro-life and my fiancee is an Iraq veteran. Unlikely party-switchers who are disgusted by the state of the GOP. The GOP has been hijacked by new world order freaks and the old-school conservatives just let them do
2007-05-04 00:29:57 UTC
you mean most watched
Peace Warrior
2007-05-04 00:34:26 UTC
some people consider Fox "news"?
are you kidding me ?
come on...really ?
2007-05-04 00:22:48 UTC
Fox News is pure propaganda for the selfish and self-absorbed.
This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.